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Sopharma hosted the EACD /European Association of Communication Directors/ Regional Debate in Sofia.

9 Listopad 2012

On 07.11.2012, Sopharma hosted the EACD /European Association of Communication Directors/ Regional Debate in Sofia.

The topic Management of Corporate Reputation attracted both full members of the Association and specialists in the field of communications from large companies and communication agencies.

After interesting presentations related to the management of reputation aiming at sustainable company development, a sharp discussion took place at which those present expressed divergent opinions and proposals. All participants in the Debate expressed their satisfaction with the professional discussion, and the comments from Brussels are summarised in a part of Herbert Heitmann's letter, the EACD President: ….On behalf of the European Association of Communication Directors, I wanted to thank you for hosting the EACD Regional Debate in Sofia. Your efforts helped us to bring together a wide variety of communication professionals from across the region, and to allow them to engage in lively and stimulating dialogue. The presence of your team on-site also allowed for the smooth running of proceedings, and made everything as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for all participants. We very much appreciate your help with the Regional Debate, and we hope that you got as much out of it as so many of our members have reported that they did. I would love for the opportunity to arise when we might collaborate again….

Herbert Heitmann President European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Mee?s B-1000 Brussels