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Assistance to refugees - people without a home and country

On 13.08.2013, the household items collected by the colleagues from Sopharma, have been donated to the Necessities of Life Collection Centre.

The refugees - people without a home and country

The flow of refugees to Bulgaria has increased this year. By the end of July this year, about 1,800 refugees have been registered in our country, with applications filed. For the last year 2012 the total number of refugees was 1400. We expect that until the end of this year their number might be over 3,000 which is unprecedented. Such large refugee flow occurred in 2001-2002.


The day of the Saint protector of healers

On 27 July, near the Saint Panteleimon Chapel in v. Vrabevo, the day of the Saint protector of healers was celebrated by the rite of blessing and sprinkling holy water. This is the day of the second anniversary from the date of opening the said Chapel built with the support of Sopharma.


Sopharma Develops its Social Programme

The active socially oriented activity of Sopharma created the "We for the Society" Project that is distinguished for its sustainability and is developing following those in need of permanent care – pensioners. The new campaign under the Project is being carried out at two pensioners' clubs in Sofia, where health care for patients is provided with the aim of preventing cardiovascular and lung diseases so much common among that population group.


Green oases in the industrial zone of Sofia

On April 25th we planted acorn trees with the idea that spaces around the new Plant of Sopharma may look like green oases in the industrial zone of Sofia.

We are happy to show the result on photos.

We decided to go on planting another suitable plot of land somewhere in Bulgaria in the autumn.


Our first grade pupil - ready for school!

All children of the employees of Sopharma AD, who 15th of September will step across the threshold of the national school for the first time които на 15-ти септември, were given unexpected presents.

