Information about AGM of Sopharma AD

Sopharma AD (the “Company”) hereby notifies all shareholders of the Company, that the Annual General Meeting, convened by the Board of Directors for 19 June 2015 at 11:00 will take place at Sopharma Business Towers, Building B, floor 3, 5 Lachezar Stanchev Str.. The registration begins at 9:30.

All shareholders of the company are invited to participate at the General Meeting in person or by proxy.


Information about treasury shares

SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that from 23 July 2015 up to and including 28 July 2015 the Company bought 5000 own shares representing 0.0037% of the share capital of the Company, at a total value of 13 800.00 BGN on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the average price per share was 2.76 BGN.

The trading of treasury shares is pursuant to decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 23 June 2010.

The total number of treasury shares after these transactions is 5 174 832, representing 3.84% of the share capital of the Company.


Disclosure of shareholdings

Sopharma AD (the “Company”) announces that on 28 July 2015 the Company bought 937 000 ordinary registered shares with voting rights of the capital of United Holding Doverie AD. After this transaction, the share of Sopharma AD in the capital of United Holding Doverie AD increased to 14.898%.


Poszerzenie portfela produktów OTC

Sopharma ma tradycję produktów OTC z naturalnych ekstraktów ziołowych. Kilka z naszych znakomitych produktów jest takiego pochodzenia. Są to dobrze znane marki jak  Tribestan, Nivalin etc.

Syrop TUSPAN jest najnowszym dodatkiem do naszego portfela OTC na bazie ekstraktu z liści bluszczu. Już stał się popularnym syropem na kaszel. Wierzymy, że będzie nową gwiazdą w naszym portfelu OTC.

Tuspan jest już zarejestrowany lub w procesie rejestracji na rynkach podstawowych Sopharma - Bułgaria, Polska, WNP i na Ukrainie.


Jak rozrasta się fabryka

Zakład produkcyjny w Sofii.

Sofia, 2013. Nowa era Sopharma AD innowacji i produkcji.

Jesteśmy dumni przecinając wstęgę na nowo wybudowanym zakładzie produkcyjnym w Sofii. Mamy zmodernizowany każdy istniejący obiektu, który odziedziczyliśmy od państwa podczas prywatyzacji spółki. Budowanie marki, nowy zakład stałych postaci dawkowania od podstaw było wspaniałym doświadczeniem i osiągnięcia dla nas.




Information about treasury shares

SOPHARMA AD hereby informs that from 09 July 2015 up to and including 15 July 2015 the Company bought 500 own shares representing 0.00037% of the share capital of the Company, at a total value of 1444.00 BGN on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the average price per share was 2.888 BGN.

The trading of treasury shares is pursuant to decision by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 23 June 2010.

The total number of treasury shares after these transactions is 5 169 832, representing 3.84% of the share capital of the Company.


Results of the tender offering for the shares of Momina Krepost AD

The Board of Directors of SOPHARMA AD (the “Company”) hereby informs of the results of the tender offering for the shares of Momina Krepost AD, published in two national newspapers: Capital Daily and Sega on 1 July 2015.

In connection with the requirements of art. 37, par. 1 of Ordinance №13 for tender offers for the purchase and exchange of shares, Sopharma AD as a tender offeror, who has made a tender offering under art. 149, par. 6 of POSA to purchase all shares of other shareholders of Momina Krepost AD, informs on the following results of the tender offering:


Information about treasury shares

The Board of Directors of SOPHARMA AD (the “Company”) hereby informs that from 8 November 2012 up to and including 14 November 2012 the Company bought 56111 own shares representing 0.043% of the share capital of the Company, to the total value of BGN 127209.75 on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. The average price per share was BGN 2.27.

The shares have been bought on the basis of the general meeting resolution No. 7 of 23.06.2010.


Sales revenues for June 2015

Sopharma AD notifies that for June 2015 the Company recorded a decrease of sales revenues of 36% compared to the same month of 2014, including same level of domestic sales and 51% decrease of export sales.

For the six months of this year, revenues from sales decreased by 16% compared to the same period of 2014, including 13% increase of domestic sales and a 28% decrease of export sales. 



An announcement related to the results of the tender offer for the shares of Momina Krepost AD

Pursuant to art. 157 of the POSA and art. 37 par. 1 of Ordinance №13 for tender offers for the purchase and exchange of shares, Sopharma AD as a tender offeror, who has made a tender offer under art. 149, par. 6 of POSA to purchase all the shares of the other shareholders of Momina Krepost AD informs on the following results of the tender offer: shareholders who have accepted the tender offer: 38 shareholders with a total number of shares: 211 991.

